We understand that reliability and safety are crucial in delivering traffic control services. Without a powerful and comprehensive business system that streamlines operational and administrative functions, meeting our clients’ needs would be impossible to achieve.
That’s why we’ve invested heavily in developing WORKSITE LIVE®, the first real paperless system that is custom-built for traffic control operations. Taking over 3 years to develop and meticulously test, WORKSITE LIVE® is not just any tablet based program. It’s a comprehensive, real-time data system with unparalleled capabilities. WORKSITE LIVE® delivers:
- Unprecedented efficiencies
- Significant cost savings
- Integrity of information
seamlessly integrates with WorkSIte Pro and together these systems
offer live reporting, safety and quality control, document management,
approval processing and client access to immediate information.
LIVE® has been in operation for 12 months. We have over 100 iPads being
used everyday by our on-site crews. Tens of thousands of jobs have
been electronically processed eliminating our need for printing and reducing our environmental footprint.
system enables D&D Group the ability to provide our clients with
industry best practice in our service offering, safety management and
integrity of information. Watch this demonstration video to witness the
benefits of WORKSITE LIVE®:
WORKSITE LIVE® enables all site activity to be recored in real-time and reported live as it happens, including:
- Safety talks
- Risk assessment
- Traffic Control Plan and Traffic Control Plan mark-up
- Incident reporting
- Safety checks
- Sign checks
- Time-logs
- GPS Tracking
For more information email [email protected] or call 1300 597 622 (NSW/ACT) or 1300 556 665 (in QLD)